Rabu, 08 April 2015

How To Avoid Eye Desease

Maintain eye health is very important, because if the eye is interrupted it will be difficult to carry out daily activities. Here are ways to avoid eye disease:

1. Keep visibility
when watching TV or playing computer, try to distance note perspective. The ideal viewing distance of about 50-100cm. The ideal distance when read books about 30cm, so do not get too close while reading a book. On this intended to avoid myopia or nearsightedness.

2. Rest your eyes
When you read a book or watch TV not too long, the eyes also need a break If you too long time, the eye will be sore. You must to relax your eyes for a few minutes to relax the eye muscles.

3. The family eye health history
This eye disease also decreased. Talk to family members, especially your parents. Are your parents
The diagnosis of eye disease breeds such as cataracts, glaucoma, and ptosis. This is because it can
you determine whether you are at risk This high eye disease or not. Try to eat many contain Vitamin A

4. Eat foods such as carrots
contains vitamin A. This, contains vitamin A and beta carotene which serves to maintain the health of your eyes. Try to eat carrots every day for eye health

5. Kitika rubbed your eyes do not itch because when your hands
dirty after holding an object can infect the eye organ that can cause serious harm to health. You must  use eye drops with eye medication.

6. Wear protective eye
Try to wear eye protection in various activities such activities while driving. When driving with the use of protective motorcycle helmet visor ..

7. Stop Smoking
The cigarette users have a high risk of experiencing health problems, immediately stop smoking, because cigarette smoke thinking about a lot of chemical content, which enter the bloodstream resulting in hypertension. If many of these chemicals in the blood and then headed to the blood circulation in the eye then it could accelerate the occurrence of cataracts in the eyes.

8. Check the eye
Eyes tested on a regular basis in order to determine if the disease quickly and promptly handle so that the healing process faster.

How To Prevent Gray Hair

The gray hair due to factors cells in the hair follicle, which is called as melanocytes stop producing pigment known as melanin main thing that makes the color black hair. Follicle loses all pigment all as time passes and eventually will make the hair becomes white. White hair black hair follicles no longer showed healthy as before. You need to provide treatment on your hair in
prevent white hair die. The following are several ways in order to prevent gray hair at a young age:

1. Stop smoking

Smoking is scientifically proven to accelerate the aging of the body and can , make worse the health of the body because nicotine and other compounds in cigarettes. Quitting smoking can also improve circulation and slow the growth of gray hair. People who do smoke are four times more likely to have gray hair earlier than people do not smoke because inhibit blood circulation in the body.

2. Improve blood circulation with sport

Prevent graying hair when consuming all the vitamins and minerals are useless, if
all of it has not yet reached the scalp and hair. To facilitate the circulation, exercise regularly. It should also be noted for massaging the scalp with fingertips every day for 5-10 minutes. revoke stop gray hair, often the people around us pull out gray hair when it looks at the gray hair. Repeal gray hair harmful to health. Hair grows under the skin of the head that there are many nerves in it, if removed would interfere with the nerves in deprived areas resulting neural signals to produce hair color will be disrupted.

3. Keep your body fluids

shortage of copper mineral intake can make melanin production decreases. Therefore, there are some foods and drinks that should be avoided to prevent the onset of gray hair, such as beverages containing caffeine such as tea, coffee. It is advisable to drink water to reproduce. And reduce caffeine and alcohol and increase water consumption. Reduce fatty foods can also reduce the water content in the body and humidity. Lack of moisture slows nutrients reaching the hair follicle resulting in graying hair.

4. Vitamin B12 and Omega-3

Vitamin B12 and Omega-3 greatly affect the health of hair, when a deficiency of vitamin B12 and Omega-3 can lead to graying hair faster. Eat foods rich in B12 such as eggs, cheese, bananas, fish, beef and meat. Should also reproduce the copper content such as sunflower seed oil, cashews and almonds crabs, oysters.

5. Adequate sleep

Enough sleep is a better way to relax the body and reduce stress levels and make the rest of organs, if lack of sleep is clear impact on health decline. In addition, adequate sleep will make look younger.

Maintaining Oral Health

Maintaining oral health is a priority, to prevent various oral diseases such as inflammation on the mouth, the emergence of bacteria etc. Here are ways to maintain oral health:

1.      All you have to do is maintain health, mouth by brushing your teeth regular routine at before bedtime and after waking. Time brushing your teeth in try to brush the teeth top, bottom, face and tongue, because usually leftovers still leaving the former section. The And try to brush your teeth properly to avoid bacteria that can cause inflammation.

2.      many are drinking water that beneficial for blood circulation and body in order to keep it fresh. Consumption of probiotic foods, prevent bad breath by consuming foods containing probiotics and can aid digestive health.

3.      Avoid alcohol and cigarettes because it bad lifestyle, besides clearly making bad breath, everything was can lead to periodontitis because chemical substances into the mouth which aggravate oral hygiene. Alcohol can affect the production of saliva which lead to the rapid growing bacteria in the mouth, because alcohol and cigarettes are very disturbing health. If you smoke or drink alcohol should stop the habit.

4.      We recommend to consume vegetables and fruits such as Carrots, Apples, Jicama, Fruit Per and other so, because vegetables and fruits have many vitamins contained there in are beneficial to health.

5.      Consumption of food ingredients such as, wood white, mint and cardamom can
reduce bad breath, but for consume this material must be in accordance dose.

6.      Consumption of cheese to help kill bacteria in the mouth, because the cheese is rich in calcium, and containing vitamin, the cheese so it is useful to increase the production of water in the mouth and oral health, and reducing the growth of tartar by dirt which very disturbing your teeth.

7.      Consumption of vitamin C can also to make sweeth breath, because can kill the growth of bacteria in the mouth. Vitamin C can be obtained from the fruit, not from supplements, because it is only actually exacerbate bad breath.

Benefits of milk

There are of us drink milk every day and only a few times a week. Milk is a complement of foods. This milk has many health benefits. Milk is now not derived from dairy cows but also from other protein sources, such as soybeans. Well, here are the benefits of milk for health:

1. Containing Protein and Calcium high
Protein is important for us because the body can rebuild muscles after activity, Calcium is very useful for bone growth for children, and prevention of osteoporosis in adults.

2. Maintain Weight
Everyone wants to have an ideal body, therefore the diet plan, many people leave the milk in the diet programs, research shows that people who consume low-fat milk or skim milk is able to low weight more than those who do not drink milk.

3. Reduce Stress
Consume milk after a day of activity is a good idea, milk can soothe the nerves and relaxes tense muscles.

4. Make the skin soft
In milk contains lactic acid that functions as an enzyme exfoliant that makes the skin smoother, the milk because it is able to help smooth the skin. In the first period Cleopatra shower with milk to keep her skin soft. You can also do it by drinking a few cups a day.

5. Restoring muscle
Milk is able to rebuild muscle after exercise for instance fitness. It because the protein content of milk there. It is recommended that drinking milk after exercise in order to get the protein to restore muscle and milk also add fluids lost after exercise.